How Do I Go About Choosing the Right Home Business?

So how does one decide on the right home based business? Do they do the business their friend shared with them. Not a bad plan given that you have a team already in place because doing any business with others is a lot easier than doing it alone. But, what if that business does not spark your interest. Or worse yet, what if the person who introduced the business to you doesn't have the same business mindset as you do. Or, what if it's just a plain dumb idea! Now what?

If you don't have that creative juice like me, where does that leave you? What I've come to realize is that there are many opportunities out there. You just have to come out of your cave. You know, that place of comfort, the place you go to every day and do the same thing. You need to network and find out what others are doing. While there are many opportunities out there, not all of them are good ones. How do you choose among the many thousand options? There are four key ways to start making money and achieve wealth: Own your own business, open a franchise, invest in real estate, participate in a network marketing company.

I have chosen the latter two options. While I was a realtor for the past 8 years dealing in residential sales, my husband and I chose to start investing beginning in 2007. My husband pooled investors together and for very short money of his own put together a deal. Now, he has access to REO properties for even shorter money as he was able to partner with a broker who has the relationships with major banks. We are happy to share with you the secrets of how this is done. Just give us a call and we can schedule a time to speak (Oh by the way there is no charge, we are just happy to share). Check out a Free Workshop taking place in the Massachusetts area October 4-7 to learn how this is done through Trump University. I will be attending October 6th.

The fourth option, is one we discovered because I happened to just be in the right place at the right time. I don't know if you've ever had the opportunity to be in right place at right time and actually knew you were. I didn't but I took notice of what was being shared with me. I took notice because I was professionally frustrated because I was tired of working 7 days a week and wanted to find a way that would allow us to work hard now to reap the rewards later...while we had the energy. What we discovered was the amazing industry of network marketing. We joined Trump Network right away!

As I began to learn more about this business I also learned more about this industry. Amway set the stage for the network marketing industry (and we thank them for that) and now we have several different companies that people have affiliated with. However, what I have learned is that the wealthiest individuals have all gotten in at the beginning of popular growth, before a company becomes a household name. Persistance and a willingness to not give up is also a secret ingredient. This is an ingredient for success in any kind of industry. In meeting with other people involved with other companies, the most important determining factor to someone's success is their passion for what they are doing. Without belief or passion, you might as well quit and look into something else, like a hot dog stand. What I also love and am passionate about is this industry is open to anyone...anyone that is willing. This means you don't have to be good looking, have a college degree or know a lot of people. You just have to be willing. The reality is the less connected you are you have to work harder getting to know people who know others. The questions is what are you willing to do to get to reach your goals? Whether we recognize it or not, people buy from people they trust! Network marketing is simply this...if you like what you buy you will speak about it to others. Why not get paid for educating people to the products and business. Why should we leave money on the table? So choose wisely.

Ask yourself a few key questions: Is the business you are looking into offering a gap in the market? This is why Dell computers was so successful during the technology boom. Can anyone else come along and duplicate your business and offer for cheaper price? Robert Kiyosaki writes about how this competition in the market caused him to lose his business. In fact, Donald Trump has endorsed several different network marketing companies because he knows for very nominal start up cost (average is about $500), people can get started in making money and opt out of this recession. The other person who writes about this industry is Paul Zane Pilzer in his book entitled the Wellness Revolution. Pilzer suggests that in order for the business to be sustainable you need products that are consumable. He also goes on to suggest that the wellness industry is the next trillion dollar industry as a direct result of the aging baby boomers.

So whatever you choose to take part in, choose wisely and have a lot of fund doing it!

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